What licenses are needed for use of controlled substances/dangerous drugs? How do I obtain these licenses?

If your research requires the use of controlled substances and/or dangerous drugs, approvals from the Georgia Board of Pharmacy (GBP) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) are required.
Different legal and policy requirements apply to investigators who are performing bench research or animal research using Controlled Substances and to health care and veterinary practitioners using controlled substances to provide care to patients/clients. 
The Office of Compliance provides tutorials and offers a number of forms to assist investigators in the Emory research community conducting bench research or animal research using Controlled Substances or Dangerous Drugs.
For advice and guidance on the registration process and use of controlled substances/dangerous drugs at Emory and the Biosafety Protocol Submission and Approval (BIORAFT) process, please contact the Biosafety Officer within the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO).
Biosafety Officers
Kalpana Rengarajan
Associate Director of EHSO
 Research Safety
Esmeralda Meyer
Assistant Director of EHSO
 Research Safety
The following are Emory University policies that govern research use of Controlled substances and Dangerous Drugs.
Policy 7.25: Research Use of Controlled Substances
Policy 7.29: Research Use of Dangerous Drugs, including Prescription Drugs
To work effectively within the university environment, you will collaborate with several regulatory offices on campus that have staff to assist you with the process.
Specific guidance on who to contact for each regulatory area (human subjects research, conflict of interest, environmental health and safety, and many more) is available in Chapter 3: Regulatory Approvals of this handbook.