
  1. How often do I need to file a progress report?
  2. What is COMPASS?
  3. Do I need to file a patent report?
  4. What is effort reporting?
  5. Who is responsible for submitting financial reports?
  6. What are property reports?
  7. What are implications of not filing required sponsor reports?

1. How often do I need to file a progress report?

Monthly, your post-award administrator will run a query in COMPASS to determine which awards have budget periods that are ending within 90 days of the end of the previous month, determine which require renewals or progress report submission, contact the investigator to obtain status reporting

2. What is COMPASS?

COMPASS is Emory’s enterprise-wide PeopleSoft Financial system designed to track financial information, consolidate financial reports, and facilitate standardized financial processes. 

3. Do I need to file a patent report?

All patent reports that indicate a disclosure and/or invention are coordinated with the Office of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Technology Transfer.    The final patent reports for grants awards are processed and submitted by OSP.
(Many federal agencies require a final patent report to be filled out.  If the Office of Sponsored Programs receives notice from the sponsor that a patent report is required, you will receive a notification from Sponsored Programs.  If no reportable patents need to be reported, fill in the appropriate information and return for submission to the sponsoring agency.)

4. What is effort reporting?

OMB’s Uniform Guidance requires that institutions receiving federal awards maintain systems and procedures documenting the distribution of activity and associated payroll charges, to each individual sponsored agreement.  Effort certification is Emory’s way of providing assurance to sponsors that faculty and staff have met their commitments, paid or unpaid, to sponsored projects.
Emory University uses a web-based system, Effort Reporting System (ERS), to update and certify effort.  Effort reports are system generated for employees who are paid from sponsored projects or have effort commitments on sponsored projects.

6. What are property reports?

Some sponsors require Final Inventory Listing of Emory-owned equipment acquired with sponsor funds. Please be aware that even though not normally exercised, some Sponsors retain the right to transfer title of the equipment to other sponsor funded projects, possibly at other institutions. Generally, this right must be exercised by the sponsor within a specified period of time, usually 120 days from the termination date of the project. All sponsors require Final Property Reports of Sponsor-owned equipment. It is OGCA’s responsibility, in conjunction with the departmental administrator and the principal investigator to submit these reports to the Sponsor.