1. Whom do I contact to report a concern?
Emory University Chief Compliance Officer is:
Kristin West, JD, MS, Chief Compliance Officer
Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for Emory University
Office of the Vice President for Research
2660 UCC
(404) 727-2398 – phone
2. What are the responsibilities of the researcher?
Researchers, whether faculty members, staff members, or students, have the responsibility to be unfailingly honest in research; they must refrain from deliberate distortion or misrepresentation; and they must take regular precautions against the common causes of error.
Positive steps to insure an environment that minimizes the possibility of research misconduct include the following:
(a) Researchers must accept responsibility for the quality of the work reported by themselves and their collaborators; emphasis must be placed upon the quality and significance of research rather than on quantity and visibility;
(b) Only those authors who have had a genuine role in the research should be included in authorship of papers, and all named authors must accept responsibility for the quality of the work reported; and
(c) Researchers are encouraged to retain research data and records for a period of at least five years following publication to provide verification of the validity of the reported results.
3. How is research misconduct defined?
Under the Policy, Research Misconduct is defined as:
o Fabrication - making up of Research data or results and recording or reporting them
o Falsification - manipulating Research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the Research is not accurately represented in the Research Records
o Plagiarism - the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit
Does Emory University have an anti-retaliation policy for whistleblowers?
Who do I call if I have a concern about research? If concern escalated to department head….If no concerned, contact Emory Trust Line.
Yes, Emory has two policies related to ant-retaliation:
Policy 4.121: Non-retaliation prohibits retaliation, retribution or harassment against employees who, in good faith, report violations of laws, regulations, Emory policies, or other wrongdoing or who cooperate with an investigation of such wrongdoing.
1. Who do I call if I have a concern about research?
2. If concern escalates to department head, If no complaint – contact Emory Trust Line
Emory Trust Line is available to all faculty and staff employed by Emory University and Emory Healthcare to report any potential ethical, legal, and/or business conduct violations or concerns and designed to give employees an avenue for reporting serious concerns and violations to Emory’s management in a confidential manner, without fear of reprisal. The Emory Trust Line is a toll-free (1-888-550-8850), 24 hour, 7 day-a-week telephone resource.
Emory now has an online reporting tool, the
Emory Trust Line Online, for those who prefer this method. You can report anonymously. Your report will be triaged by the same third-party vendor that manages the telephone hotline.
4. Are there training opportunities available?
The Office of Compliance serves as a resource to the Emory research community for a variety of training and education needs.
Below are links to training materials provided by the Office of Compliance. For additional information on educational materials, please consult the educational materials link in the column on the left side of the page.
Export Controls
In addition to these materials, the Office of Compliance provides a number of in-person training opportunities throughout the year. Click
here for more information on these opportunities.
5. Relevant policies, procedures and links