Investigators new to Emory should refer to appointment letter for information related to financial considerations, space and department resources.
Policy 7.9
Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Scholarship and Research
The guidelines address the following concerns:
- the scholar's authority and responsibility for research activities;
- the establishment of the quality of research;
- the supervision of students and other trainees;
- the education of trainees in research ethics and integrity;
- access to and retention of scientific research protocols and data; and
- the social responsibility of the scholar.
What is the definition of Investigator?
The term “Investigator” always includes:
· Principal Investigator
· Project Director
· Senior or key personnel listed on a grant/contact application, award, or progress report
In addition, anyone identified by the PI or PD who is responsible for and has the authority to make independent decisions regarding the design, conduct or reporting of research meets the definition of “Investigator.”
Public Health Service (PHS) regulations require that Emory provide public information about Senior or Key Personnel’s Financial Conflicts of the Interest related to PHS funded research; therefore, individuals listed in these roles should complete disclosures unless a waiver is approved by the Assistant Vice President for Research Administration.
Principal Investigators should be judicious in identifying senior/key personnel. Misidentifying personnel as senior/key unnecessarily increases burden for the preparation of the application, submission of Just-in-Time information and annual reporting requirements, in addition to required financial interest disclosures.
- Who should I contact to get started?
- Applying for funding
- What staff resources are available for grant development?
- What resources are available for proposal preparations and routing?
- What should I consider when developing a budget?
- What should I consider when working with industry?
- What are the core facilities and resources?
- What licenses are needed for use of controlled substances/dangerous drugs? How do I obtain these licenses?
- Obtaining regulatory approvals and requirements