What resources are available for proposal preparations and routing?

  1. Who can help?
  2. Who is eligible to apply for external funding?
  3. What resources are available for proposal preparation?
  4. What are my specific roles and responsibilities in proposal preparation?
  5. What is the routing process and who can help?
  6. What are my specific roles and responsibilities in the routing process?
  7. What is the proposal submission process and who completes it?
  8. Tips for ensuring the application process goes smoothly

1. Who can help?

·       Department/division research administrators, Vice –Chair of Research and Sr. Mentors may be available to assist with administrative components of the application.
·       The Research Administration Service (RAS) Units are available to assist in completing each step of preparing a proposal and should be contacted as soon as you know you are planning to prepare one. 
·       The Office of Sponsored Programs staff can help you interpret sponsor guidelines and address specific questions.

2. Who is eligible to apply for external funding?

As highlighted in the Principal Investigator Eligibility Policy, Emory University permits any regular full-time or part-time faculty member in the School of Medicine is allowed to submit research proposals to external research sponsors on which he/she is listed as the Principal Investigator (PI). Regular faculty includes the following ranks on all tracks: Associate, Senior Associate, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Faculty members who have active research portfolios and are retiring with emeritus status may be eligible to continue their research in the School of Medicine as PIs.
Emory temporary and visiting faculty will not be eligible to submit research proposals to external sponsors on which they are listed as PIs or serve as PI on internally funded research projects.

3. What resources are available for proposal preparation?

The Investigator’s Guide provides links to online research administration content and tools for each stage of the grant life cycle.  The Department of Medicine’s Office of Research webpage also offers grant writing tools and resources for Emory researchers.
Each sponsor sets its own application requirements, outlining the required content, format specifications, budget allowances, and submission procedures and dates. It is critical to review and follow all program guidelines, ensuring a complete application in accordance with sponsor requirements. Failure to follow program guidelines is the most common cause for rejection without review, but, with care, can be avoided. 
Research Administration Service (RAS) Units are available to assist with proposal preparation and should be contacted as soon as you know you are planning to prepare one.

RAS - Anesthesiology, Brain Health, Orthopaedics, Surgical Services (ABOSS)
RAS- Basic Sciences
RAS - Cancer and Imaging
RAS - Colleges and Professional Schools

4. What are my specific roles and responsibilities in proposal preparation?

The Emory proposal development process requires significant contributions from the researcher, department/division, the RAS units and OSP. As the researcher, you are responsible for ensuring the proposal packet is fully completed and adheres to sponsor guidelines, confirming that:

·       All components of the application are completed in accordance with 
·       Sponsor specifications – including all required content; adhering to sponsor-imposed page limitations; and complying with all font, margin, and other format specifications. 
·       The budget is accurately calculated; reflects and meets project needs;     
follows sponsor guidelines for limits/allowances; and requests facilities and administrative cost reimbursement at the maximum level allowed by the sponsor. 

5. What is the routing process and who can help?

OSP provides guidance on Emory’s Routing Process on its website.

Emory University requires its faculty, staff, and students to route all proposals for external funding, along with all related documents, through the following internal levels for review and approval prior to submission to an external sponsor:
·    PI and all co-investigators
·    Division, when applicable
·    Department for each PI and co-Investigator
·    School or unit for each PI and co-Investigator
·    Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
This requirement applies to all new, continuation, renewal, revised, and supplemental grants whether for research, training, fellowships or other proposals:
·     All types of proposals, whether a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract;
·     All types of application systems, whether paper or electronic; and
·     All types of external funding sources, whether governmental, nonprofit, or commercial
Applicants should review the policy and guidance information provided on OSP’s website to ensure awareness of and adherence to Emory routing requirements.

Other Resources

·        Faculty Handbook

·        University Policies


6. What are my specific roles and responsibilities in the routing process?

As is the case in proposal preparation, proposal routing requires a collaborative effort. 

1.     Faculty member identifies funding opportunity
2.     Faculty downloads proposal requirements/application/RFP/RFA for the opportunity from the funding agency 

3.     Faculty, in conjunction with the RAS Unit, reviews and completes the proposal, using all required forms and formats, providing all required documentation and seeking/following advice from ORA departments as needed. Your OSP representatives have significant experience in proposal preparation/submission and can offer helpful insights, tips and the latest information with appropriate time to review.

4.     If you cannot provide draft for review, we request the proposals are submitted 5 business days prior to the agency deadline.

5.     Faculty/PI completes the Conflict of Interest form.

6.     Once the proposal is finalized it will be submitted through the Emory EPEX system to OSP who will review and submit to the sponsor agency.

7.     For Contracts and Subcontracts, the OSP Contracts group negotiates terms of the contract/subcontract and must be more heavily involved at the beginning of the process. They are also the signature authority for Emory University. 

8.     You can contact OSP at any time with any question related to grant or contract proposals.

9.     Faculty member completes any compliance requirements dependent upon the kind of research i.e. IRB requirements must be completed for any research involving humans, IACUC requirements must be completed for any research involving animals, etc...The Compliance Navigation link at the top of the page can help guide you through the complex world of Compliance at Emory.

10.  If you are planning a clinical trial you will need to work with our OCR office who will help with budget preparation and other clinical trial compliance and funding related issues.
Many requests for changes to a grant while it is active require agency prior approval. All such requests should be submitted to OSP for review and countersignature prior to submission to the agency. ­ For many agencies, a renewal application is required every 3 – 5 years, at the end of the approved competitive segment.  Renewal applications must be routed as proposals through the EPEX system as described in the Proposal Routing Section.

7. What is the proposal submission process and who completes it?

Once a proposal has been completed and reviewed through the routing process, it must be submitted to the sponsoring agency. Agencies may differ in how they wish grant or contract proposals to be submitted.
Some agencies either allow or require that a proposal be submitted electronically. Such systems may include agency-designed web-based systems, Grants.gov for certain federal applications, or other methods.
For more information, visit the OSP: Proposal Submission Webpage.

8. Tips for ensuring the application process goes smoothly

·       Work with your department/division early in the submission process and plan to complete your application at least 7 days in advance of the sponsor’s submission deadline.
·       Follow the sponsor guidelines exactly, observing all content guidelines, font/margin specifications, and section limits.
·       Make sure budgets are correct, meet sponsor guidelines, and cover all project needs.
·       Make sure the application packet is fully completed and includes all required forms and signatures.
·       Leave enough time for the routing procedure, allowing the Office of Sponsored Programs at least five business days to review, finalize, and, if applicable, submit your application. 
·       Ensure the packet is complete and information is accurate, prior to routing to the RAS Unit.
1.     Additional guidance
Project Requirement Checklist provides a list of things to think about and plan for as you create your proposal.