1. What is the university’s policy on authorship?
2. Who should be included as an author?
Standards for authorship vary between disciplines and journals. It is expected that all contributors to researchand/or scholarly work at Emory University shallconform to the specific, written authorship standards stated for the relevant journal.
In absence of a relevant journal standard, all contributors to a research and/or scholarlywork may mutually agree to conform to a written
standard that is widely regarded as acceptable in the relevantfield. In
the absence of any of the aforementioned specific, written standards,
the following principles, basedupon the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) “Recommendations for the Conduct,
Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Workin Medical Journals” (2014), are expected to be followed.
3. What do I do in case of authorship dispute? Who do I contact?
It is recognized that when conflicts of opinion with regard to authorship arise, the disputing parties should make an attempt to resolve the matter amongst themselves through open discussion.
If the dispute remains unresolved, parties should see mediation by the chair or head of the relevant department or programs.
For disputes between faculty members, if the authorship dispute remains unresolved after the steps above, the parties in conjunction with the other authors of the work may wish to contact the Chair of the Standing Committee on Faculty Peer Mediation of the University Faculty Council through its confidential phone line to request voluntary peer-mediation through this mechanism.
Whom do I contact?
For clarification of the policy contact:
Emory University Chief Compliance Officer:
Kristin West, JD, MS, Chief Compliance Officer
Office of the Vice President for Research
2660 UCC
(404) 727-2398 – phone
4. Additional publishing considerations?