Confidentiality and privacy

  1. What types of confidential information will I see as a researcher?
  2. HIPAA at Emory University - FAQ
  3. HIPAA at Emory Healthcare
  4. Patient Protected Health Information HIPAA FAQs (Emory University)
  5. HIPAA issues in Human Subjects Research at Emory
  6. Human Subjects Office HIPAA FAQs by researchers (
  7. Staff Records
  8. Confidential Disclosure Agreements
  9. Covered Entities

1. What types of confidential information will I see as a researcher?

As a researcher, you may be asked to review grant proposals, scientific manuscripts, academic reviews of your colleagues. You may also see confidential records of your staff, collect human subjects data, or view proprietary information from sponsors of your research.

All of these activities require that you protect names, unpublished data, concepts, private and personal information that may affect publication, intellectual property rights, reputation and privacy. 

9. Covered Entities

a.     What does it mean if am a part of a covered entity or if I am not?
b.     Business Assessment Agreement