Applying for funding

  1. External Funding
  2. Funding on any free [non-subscription] databases
  3. Internal Funding

1. External Funding

Are there databases available for me to use to search for external funding?
There are several types of research funding: federal, state, corporations, foundations and internally at Emory.  Emory has a number of resources available to assist with locating funding opportunities.

GACTSA (contact Andrew West )
External Funding Opportunities as well as Grant Application Kits to aid in the development of your proposal. 

2. Funding on any free [non-subscription] databases

Opportunities from federal government sponsors are posted on and also on the individual agency’s website, such as:   

·        National Institute of Health (NIH) Essentials and funding opportunities. 
·        National Science Foundation (NSF) Essentials and funding opportunities. 
The Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) subscribes to Grant Forward, a grant database where the Emory research community can search for funding opportunities.