What is the process when disposing of chemical, radioactive & biohazardous waste?

  1. Whom do I contact?
  2. What are my responsibilities as a waste generator?
  3. What are training obligations? Are educational resources available?
  4. Relevant policies, procedures, link, etc.

1. Whom do I contact?

The Environmental Compliance Program operates the chemical, radioactive and universal waste (i.e. lamps and batteries) disposal program for Emory University, Emory College, Oxford College, Emory University Hospital and the Emory Clinic (Clifton campus).
This division of EHSO provides guidance on the proper management and disposal of regulated wastes as well as receives unused chemicals as part of a surplus chemical redistribution program.
·       Regulated Waste Collection
·       Chemical Waste Disposal
·       Guidance Documents
Scott Thomaston
Associate Director of EHSO
 Environmental Compliance Officer

2. What are my responsibilities as a waste generator?

Generators of chemical waste should collect waste in a suitable container, keep the container capped except to add or remove waste, label the container, store the waste properly, and contact EHS for disposal.
Generators of radioactive waste should place radioactive waste in appropriately labeled container, ensure they are secure, record the isotope and activity for waste placed in the containers and obtain training. (See question 3 below.)
Biohazardous waste must be placed in the appropriate biohazard containers, sharps placed in sharps containers. Culture plates and vials containing pathogenic organisms must be autoclaved prior to placing in biohazard containers. In most University buildings the closed containers of biohazardous waste are transported to loading docks for pick up by a contracted service.
Review the Waste Management disposal documents and waste collection request online at https://secure.web.emory.edu/ehso/secure/chemical-waste-request.html.